Human Evolution and the Catholic Church Webinar
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Human Evolution and the Catholic Church Webinar Online
Summer 2025 marks the 100th anniversary of the trial of John T. Scopes for violating a state statute outlawing the teaching of human evolution in public high schools. The issues raised in the Scopes Trial, from shifting beliefs from divine creation of all creatures to recognizing that natural processes can give rise to different species are still heard today. Dr. Edmund Lazzari, and Dr. Anne Burrows will examine biological evidence for evolution, and the Catholic Church’s reception and interpretation of ideas of God’s role in the creation and evolution of humans.
This webinar is co-sponsored by Gumberg Library, the departments of Catholic Studies, Physical Therapy, and Biological Sciences, and the Carl G. Grefenstette Center for Ethics in Science, Technology, and Law. This program is offered in conjunction with the exhibit: A Century Since Scopes: Teaching Evolution in the U.S. Public Schools on display through Feb. 28th at Gumberg Library.
The Zoom link and password will be sent to all registrants the day before the program.
Related LibGuide: A Century Since Scopes: Teaching Evolution in the US Public Schools by Ted Bergfelt