Whatever Happened to CRRA?
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Whatever Happened to CRRA? Online
In 2008 a volunteer-run organization called the Catholic Research Resources Alliance (CRRA) was formed. This organization's mission was "to create and maintain enduring, global access to Catholic research resources, specifically focusing on the Americas." At its height, CRRA had 50 member organizations contributing to its main projects, the Catholic Portal, The Catholic Newspaper Project, The Catholic News Archive, and the CRRA Subject Guides. Concerned with on-going sustainability for the organization, the CRRA members voted in 2023 to end CRRA as an independent organization, and CRRA was subsumed into the American Theological Library Association and became a program of Atla.
In this webinar, Ted Bergfelt, Humanities Librarian (and a continuing Atla/CRRA Program volunteer), will talk about the current state of CRRA, and about the current iterations of the Catholic Portal, the Catholic Newspaper Program, the Catholic News Archive, and the CRRA Subject Guides. Ted will also introduce attendees to the many open access, non-CRRA theological resources available through Atla.
Click here to check out the LibGuide that accompanies this webinar.