Event Spaces at Gumberg Library
Event Spaces are intended for presentations, panels, collaborations, and gatherings that support the mission of Gumberg Library and Duquesne University. Reservation requests are accepted in hours-long increments.
Display Spaces at Gumberg Library
Display Spaces are intended for exhibits, donation collections, or any self-paced configurations that support the mission of Gumberg Library and Duquesne University. Reservation requests are in day-long increments, from 1-28 consecutive days.
All event & display requests must be approved by library staff. You can expect an email response within 2-3 business days of submitting your request.
Please contact us at ask@duq.libanswers.com for reservations requiring more than the system-allotted timeframe, or any event-related questions.
To Begin the Reservation Request Process:
Click "Go To Date" or "Next Available" below to view and select open days and times